And so it begins…

So since I’ve been home for 8 months on maternity leave, I have definitely embraced the electronic world to keep me in touch with others.  My days have been filled with a lot of baby-tending, and as much as I adore my daughter, let’s be honest, it can get a bit boring and tedious.  Facebook has been my saviour as I’ve really enjoying keeping up to date on others.  I enjoy following status updates, and of course, lurking photos. 

Recently, I have also started reading more blogs.  My good friend Karmyn has had one for a while and now that I have more time, it makes me laugh to read it.  There is also a new friend, Rachel, who is in pretty much the same stage of life as me, with a little boy a few weeks younger than Lydia.  It’s been reassuring to read about her thoughts and know that I’m not alone in the world of mothering!

So that brings me to today….I’ve been thinking for a while that I might like to start blogging.  I used to enjoy writing in school, but never enjoyed HAVING to write about a pre-selected topic.  Now that I can choose my topic and style, I have been drawn back into the world of writing.

I’ve always had a lot to say, so why not write it down?  People can choose to read it or not, it doesn’t really matter.  Maybe I’ll write something of interest?  Don’t know yet, we’ll see what happens and where this takes me.

Nothing wrong with giving it a try right?

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